
GloFish is the first Genetically modified animal to be sold as a pet.

GloFish images

Genetically engineered organism (GEO) or Genetically modified (GM) Animals are organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.

How is it done?
'Transgenesis' uses a tiny needle to inject a piece of DNA into a fertilised egg. The egg then develops inside a surrogate mother. As her young grow up and are mated, future generations may contain this extra piece of DNA as part of their genetic makeup. The problem is that transgenesis can only deal with relatively large chunks of genes and is rather random - the new DNA doesn't always insert itself properly into the animal's own DNA.
'Gene targeting' uses GM embryonic stem (ES) cells - the starter cells that can develop into any cell type in the body. New genes can be inserted into these cells, or existing genes can be 'knocked out'. The ES cells are then injected into very early, normal embryos, where they may develop into egg or sperm cells, and the modified gene is transmitted to the next generation.
Many different animals have been used, including pigs, sheep, poultry, fish and insects. In 2001, ANDi, the first GM monkey was born.

Genetically engineered Field Crops ( Rice, Maize, Sorghum, Wheet, Rhy, Millets ) and Food Items.

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